More than 90 years of service to Hounslow and the world

In November 1929, a group of local businessmen and prominent residents founded the Rotary Club of Hounslow to serve their local community and the wider world. 

Over the last 92 years Hounslow Rotarians have dedicated their time, energy and professional expertise and have raised funds for donation to a wide variety of local and national groups, charities and causes. 

In the 1930s, for example, Hounslow Rotarians were instrumental in founding a “Council of Social Services” in the borough. 

In the 1940s the RCH started to provide careers advice to young people.

In the 1950s the club was funding initiatives for the elderly, for local schools and apprentices, for hospitals and health centres.

In the 1960s the RCH was working with the Council, with the Chamber of Commerce and with local employers to improve the economic welfare and social life of Hounslow residents. 

In the 1970s members worked together to establish the Club's Silver Jubilee Trust Fund, which has since supported numerous projects that benefit the youth of Hounslow

Throughout, the RCH has contributed to the relief of people stressed by the effects of war, famine and epidemics, natural and economic disasters on a national and international level. 

Building on these strong traditions, the Rotary Club of Hounslow continues to play an active role in the local community and globally through the international connections of its multinational, multicultural members.

The Peace Umbrella Project demonstrates the continuing relevance of peace and the dedication of Hounslow Rotarians to creating an awareness of the importance of peace on a global level.

You can visit The Rotary Club of Hounslow website here.

The pursuit of peace and progress, with its trials and errors, its successes and setbacks, can never be relaxed and never be abandoned.

Dag Hammarskjoeld, Swedish,
1905-1961, Nobel Peace Prize 1961
Youngest Secretary-General to date of the United Nations